If you want to change some text in files, normally you use text editor. Is it right?
But, If you use linux or unix like that, you can use grep & perl. When use that you are getting powerful. It's very comvenient and easy!
First, I want to replace some text in .sql file. Because of that, I made .sql file with mysqldump command.
Command : mysqldump -u[username] -p [databasename] > [destination file name]
After that, you can see 'Enter password:' line. Then type your passwords. Now you got .sql file.
Next step is changing text in .sql file with grep command
1. Finding string in sub directories.
Command : find . -name '*.*' | xargs grep "[string what you want find]"
2. Finding string in sub directories and replace that with certain string
Command : find . -name '*.*' -exec perl -pi -e 's/[string what you want to find]/[certain string what you replace with it]/g' {} \;
If I run command "find . -name '*.*' -exec perl -pi -e 's/iloveyahoo/ilovegoogle/g' {} \;". Then I will get file there is ilovegoogle only not iloveyahoo.
3. Finding string in a file and replace that with certain string
Command : find . -name '[file name what you want to find in]' -exec perl -pi -e 's/[string what you want to find]/[certain string what you replace with it]/g' {} \;
Yeah! It's so easy. Right?
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